As a box owner, an athlete, and a coach

I learned a few things

1) CF Boxes are an incredibly exciting place to be. Lives are changed every single day.

2) CF Boxes tend to be dark and a little bit terrible for picture taking.

3) If you are coaching a class or running an event, you cannot be taking pictures.

4) Athletes tend to be just a little narcissistic and LOVE to have their pictures taken.

That is where a good photographer can help. I've been photographing athletes for years, and have seen those pictures shared and commented on all over social media as highlights of peoples lives. Those pictures in turn have driven people into the box. One good picture can literally be worth thousands of dollars to gyms like yours.

On the other hand, using somebody else's picture can actually cost you thousands of dollars. How many of you have received a letter from Getty Images asking for over $1,000 for the right to use a "cool cf pic you pulled off google"? If you haven't yet, but that's how you load content onto your website, chances are pretty good that you will. The best way to be completely sure that the images you are using on your website aren't copyrighted to someone else is to only use images that you own.

Part of making a great photograph is to have the photographer in position to know where the best shot is going to happen, where the action is going to be and where the athletes will be portrayed in the most exciting way. It also helps that the photographer knows how to keep out of the way of the athletes and let them get their workout done without worrying about dropping a bar on the guy with the camera pointed at them.

While it is true that one great picture can drive revenue to your box, more importantly is that displaying great pictures create a sense of family and community like nothing else. Actual printed physical pictures on the wall of your athletes are a visual history of your gym, they make rock stars out of the people in the frame, and highlight the best of all the incredible things that have happened your box. While some posters of games winners are nice, there is not much that is as quite as effective at inspiring your gym as pictures of actual members doing amazing things hanging on the wall.

If you would like to have me behind the camera for your next event, hit the “Comp Pictures” button and let’s get it going! If I am already going to be behind the camera at an event you are competing in and want me to be your very own personal paparazzi, hit that button.




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